We are especially thankful for our Tibbies at the Thanksgiving Season! |
Tibetan Spaniels were first received as gifts from the Buddhist monks to very special visitors to Tibet. They were never sold. They are still gifts |
that we Tibbie breeders and owners have the responsibility to share and |
protect. Here are some ways our Tibbies enrich the lives of those fortunate enough to own or "be owned" by them. |
TIBBIES.........ARE...................... |
Helpers as Therapy Dogs.......... |
Agility partners for their owners.. |
Naturally easy to groom............. |
Keen observers;Never tricked... |
Sensitive to every mood............ |
Giving, especially of their LOVE.. |
Independent;With cat-like ways.. |
Vindictive;They WILL get even!... |
Inquisitive;They WILL find out............................................... |
Naughty;Never MEAN in spirit.... |
but they do like to have FUN...... |
Gratifying;IN EVERY WAY! |