Graduate Berry High School, Berry, AL 1956 |
Valedictorian |
Balfour Award |
Most Likely To Succeed |
Beta Club & FFA Officer |
Member Berry Methodist Church & Sunday School |
President MYF |
Butcher in Mr. Ralph Barnes Piggly-Wiggly Grocery |
Joined Alabama National Guard 1955 |
Received Nomination to United States Air Force Academy |
Bachelor of Arts Degree from Florence State College1960 |
Co-Editor 'Diorama', Florence State College Yearbook |
Student Government Association Officer |
President German Club |
President Tri-Beta Biology Honorary Society |
Monitor McFarlane Hall |
President O'Neal Hall College Cafeteria Student Workers |
Apprentice Barr & Tune Architects, Florence, AL |
Biology Lab Assistant to Dr. Paul Yokley |
Accepted to University of Alabama Law School |
Accepted to United States Army Officers Training School |
Biology Teacher at Bridgeport High School 1962 |
Biology Professor at Northeast State Junior College 1965 |
Received Master of Arts Degree University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 1966 |
Received Doctoral Degree from Auburn University 1974 |
Phi Beta Kappa at Auburn University |
Business Manager, Dean of Instruction at Northeast |
Alabama State Junior College |
President Northeast Alabama Community College at |
Rainsville, AL 1982-2001 |
Retired from Alabama National Guard with rank of |
Command Sergeant Major 1997 |
Recipient Alabama Military Commendation Medal |
Top-Ranking Alabama National Guard Recruiter |
Past President of Alabama Junior/Community College |
Presidents |