Ch Gin-Tai Chatawa Peter Punkin,CGC,TT. 'What Do His Titles Mean?' Find out HERE!
We are especially thankful for our Tibbies at the Thanksgiving Season!
Tibetan Spaniels were first received as gifts from the Buddhist monks to very special visitors to Tibet.  They were never sold.  They are still gifts
that we Tibbie breeders and owners have the responsibility to share and
protect. Here are some ways our Tibbies enrich the lives of those fortunate enough to own or "be owned" by them.
Helpers as Therapy Dogs..........
Agility partners for their owners..
Naturally easy to groom.............
Keen observers;Never tricked...
Sensitive to every mood............
Giving, especially of their LOVE..
Independent;With cat-like ways..
Vindictive;They WILL get even!...
Inquisitive;They WILL find out...............................................
Naughty;Never MEAN in spirit....
but they do like to have FUN......
Gratifying;IN EVERY WAY!
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